Quomodo figere Extendere Volume Greyed Out in Windows Server 2016

per Lanceam, Renovata die: 21 mensis Ianuarii, anno 2025

indigena Windows Orbis Procuratio instrumentum habet "Shrink Volume" et "Extende Volume" munera ad auxilium maceriæ solvens mole mutatio without losing data (in most cases). However, many people have reported that the "Extend Volume" option is greyed out in Windows Server 2016 Disk Management. A typical example is when Extend Volume debilitatum for the C drive after shrinking partitions D or E. This article explains all possible reasons why "Extend Volume" is grayed out in Windows Server 2016 Disk Management et quomodo hanc quaestionem facile figere.

Cur Extende Volume ex inan Windows Server 2016:

Causae sunt 4 quare "Extende Volume" extra in . Windows Server 2016 Orbis Management:

  1. Nulla adjacent sine spatio in ius
  2. Filesystem is not support.
  3. Alia maceriæ solvens genus in MBR orbis
  4. 2TB restrictio in MBR orbis 

Singillatim explicabo.

Nulla adjacent sine spatio in ius

Partitionem resize potes sed disci physicum resize non potes, corporis ferreus coegi 256GB ad 512GB augeri non potest, ergo ante usque ad partitionem, you must shrink or delete another volume to get unallocated space on the same disk. By deleting a partition, all its disk space will be converted to "unallocated", but all files in it will be deleted. By shrinking a drive, only part of the free space will be converted to unallocated but you won't lose files in it.

Si alterum volumen non piguit aut delere spatium incompositum est, extendere sane Volumen excanatum est Server 2016 Orbis Procuratio.

Extend Volume disabled

Multi server administratores detrectaverunt coegi D / E ante extendit C: coegi, sed Extende Volumen adhuc debilitatum Windows Server 2016.

Extend Volume greyed out

The "Shrink Volume" function can only create unallocated space on the right while shrinking a partition. The "Extend Volume" function can only combine unallocated space with the contiguous partition on the left. Since the C drive is nonadjacent and the E drive is on the right of the unallocated space, the "Extend Volume" option is disabled for both the C: and E: drives after shrinking the D drive. This is the most common reason why the "Extend Volume" option is greyed out in Server 2016 Orbis Procuratio.

Filesystem non praebetur

The "Extend Volume" function only supports extending NTFS and RAW (no file system) partitions. Therefore, FAT32 and any other types of partitions cannot be extended, even if there is adjacent unallocated space on the right.

Extend Volume disabled

Ut hanc inopiam tibi demonstrarem, formavi D: abigo ab NTFS ad FAT32. Ut vides in screenshot, cum 20GB sine spatio post D coegi, "Extende Volume" adhuc debilis est.

In summa est Windows servers, ratio C coegi formatur cum NTFS, ergo haec quaestio iusta est communis ad notitias impellit.

Alia maceriæ solvens genus in MBR orbis

Quia minuendo volumen non operatur, aliqui mirantur an operetur loco partitionis delendo. Aliud est responsum in orbe GPT et MBR.

On GPT disk, all partitions are primary, but on MBR disk, there could be both primary and logical partition. If the type of partition that you want to delete and extend are different, Disk Management potest extendere partitione etiam deleto contiguo volumine.

Extend Volume greyed out

As you see in the screenshot, Extend Volume is disabled for D: drive after deleting the right contiguous partition E.

Hoc est, quia:

On MBR disk, "Free" space that deleted from a logical drive can't be extended to any primary partition. "Unallocated" space that deleted from primary partition can't be extended to any logical drive.

Nota: hic exitus tantum in Disk Management existit, si volumen cum delebis NIUBI Partition Editor, potes simul unalocated spatium aut proximam partem directe.

2TB restrictio in MBR orbis

Iam in duris orbis multo vilior et maior est. Commune est uti 4TB unius orbis vel super 10TB RAID ordinata. Si initialized magna orbis vel RAID ut MBR, tantum uti potes 2TB orbis tractus in Disk Management.

Extend Volume grayed

Ut velum iactum ostendit, H formatur cum NTFS, et contiguum spatium in dextro latere non est adiacens, sed Volumen adhuc excanatum extende.

Uti plenum spatium orbis 2TB+ et partitionem extend maiorem quam 2TB, debes conversus orbis ab MBR ad GPT rimus.

Quid facere cum Praetendere Volume erret in? Server 2016

Aperi Disk Management et tuum serverni orbis partitionem configuratione cognosce. Sequere solutionem respondentem infra secundum propriam structuram disci partitionis. Quaelibet solutio video ducem habet.

Solutio in 1: Movere collocari spatium

Vestigia cum Extende Volume varii sunt in Server 2016 D coegi post detractationem:

  1. Download NIUBI Partition Editor, right click D: drive and select "Resize/Move Volume", drag the middle  of D drive to the right in the pop-up window. Then unallocated space will be moved to the left.
  2. Dextra preme C: agite et eligere "Resize/Move Volume" iterum, trahe terminum dextrum ad ius ad hoc spatium incompositum coniungendi.
  3. Click "Apply" on top left to execute. (All operations before this step only work in virtualis modus.)

Si illic ' EFI, Recuperatio vel alia partitio post C coegi, eandem methodum sequi, ut hae partitiones ad ius moveant.

Video guide

Solutio in 2: Resize maceriæ NIUBI

Ad figere Extendere Volume varii sunt in Windows Server 2016 propter non-confirmaverunt FAT32 maceriæ solvens vel diversum genus;

  1. Curre NIUBI Partition Editor, preme partitionem adjacentem et elige "Resize/Move Volume".
  2. Terminum trahunt ad alteram partem, ut spatium nonpositum cohaereat vel adiacentibus ad sinistram vel dextram.
  3. Click Adicio superne facere.

Video guide

Solutio in 3: MBR orbis ut convertat GPT

cum non potest extendere partitionem saltum 2TB * in Windows Server 2016, Sequere vestigia inferius:

  1. Curre NIUBI Partition Editor, right click front of this disk and select "Convert to GPT disk".
  2. Curre "Resize/Move Volume" functionem et spatium sinellocatum compone ad partitionem, quam dilatare vis.

Video guide

Cura notitia extendendo saepta in servo

Unlike read-only programs, partitioning software modifies the parameters of the associated disk, partition, and files. Therefore, there is a potential risk of system damage and data loss, especially when shrinking and moving partitions. Remember to back up in advance and use safe partition software.

Potius quam alia instrumenta, NIUBI Partition Editor has technologias amet ut systema et notitia ut tueantur:

NIUBI Partition Editor is 30% to 300% faster when shrinking, moving, and copying partitions because it has an advanced file-moving algorithm. In addition to helping fix the "Extend Volume" greyed-out issue in Windows Server 2016/2019/2022/2012/2008/2003, it also helps you merge, optimize, convert, hide, wipe partitions, scan for bad sectors, and much more.
